Thursday, October 26, 2017

Eve pulled herself back from Cody and looked up into his deep brown eyes. She felt her heart skip a beat, as he brushed a piece of loose hair that had fallen across her  face away.  He  looked back down at her.  Their eyes meeting and locking briefly.  The rush of energy she felt go  through her, almost took her breath away.  From the moment when she had first laid eyes on Cody she felt a strong current pulling her to him, as  if he were a magnet. The gentle way he had carried her in his arms to the ranch house and cared for her wounds when he  had found her collapsed at the water spicket,  had made her know she would be safe with him.

  His gorgeous  eyes gazed over her face, stopping at her lips momentarily.  He gently wiped away some dirt from the left side of her bottom lip.  She fought hard to keep him from seeing it quiver.   A slight excitement rose with in her  as he  parted his lips and breathed in deeply.   'Oh God" she whispered silently  in her mind.  His touch seemed to awaken things inside her.  Things she had not felt in awhile.  Feelings she had neatly packed away some time ago.   Safely locked up deep inside.  In hopes to allow her shattered heart time to heal.  Heal from another time in her life when she had been vulnerable to love. Love that had left her hurt both physically and mentally.   A chapter in her life she did not want to think about or reopen, not now anyways.  She had promised herself she would concentrate on her career and not let anyone steer her away again.  She had spent the last two years burying herself in her work. With a little counseling and a  career move she felt confident she was finally moving forward and leaving her  painful past behind. Men had become something she hardly noticed or cared about.  Eve had grown use to dinners alone in her apartment and spending  nights by herself doing paperwork or working in the center.

Now somehow even with all this tragedy around her Cody had turned on switch in her.
She desperately wanted to know him better and wondered if he could see just how much.   Why was this attraction she had for him so strong, she wondered silently and why now.   He is a man.  Just another guy,  a cowboy who found her pretty face and petite features attractive, she argued in her head. Yes a very handsome one at that but,  most likely, no different from all the other men she had met.  Her sexual attraction for him simply made no sense at a time like this.  Fear dangled all around them.  It was insane what she was feeling right now.  There was death and danger surrounding them yet, she longed for him and envisioned herself  to be  in his strong safe arms,  alone with him, away from all of this.  She wanted to feel her flesh on  his.   She felt every part of her deeply  drawn to him.

 She took a deep breath to calm herself before she spoke.  ''Zach is getting worse.  One of us needs to  go outside and see if something happened to the backup  we called for.  The sirens have all stopped.  Its been several minutes since we've heard anything."  Cody nodded as she spoke.  "I was just thinking the same thing. Cody answered back.  "You stay in here with Josiah and Doc. I will go out there and see what's going on."  Cody walked over to Josiah with one arm still around Eve, keeping her close to  his side.  "I'll go take a look out there. It does not make any sense why the back up is not in here yet."  Doc spoke softly.  "It does if there are more of these rabid men out there."  He looked at Josiah and waited for  a response.  "We wont know waiting in here. Cody take a gun from one of the down officers. You stay here on guard for more  of those things  in here.  And help Eve look for something that might  help Zach.  Doc keep working on Zach.  Eve, you said there was some kind of insulin that the  center was researching.  Can you tell us where it is in the compound?"  Josiah asked while he checked the bullets in his gun.   "Yes its in the lab on the second floor.  But If something happens to you Josiah we are just sitting ducks in here." Eve said. "We don 't have a choice. we need to move fast." Cody said quickly. "Cody  I will contact you  when I know something.   In the meantime you cover  Eve while she looks for the insulin."   Josiah said tossing a radio to Cody.  He walked over to the other slain officer and took his gun from his  holster.  "Doc ever shoot one of these?" Doc nodded.  "Use it if you have to. Shoot the sun of a bitch in the head if you see one. Don't let them get to close Doc.  Don't wait till its too late."  Doc took the gun from Josiah and set it down on the table beside him.  "Doc promise us you will use it."  Cody  asked.  "Doc did not like the idea of taking a life.  He was in the business of saving them, But  he shook is head yes and then looked down at Zach.  Josiah shared a look with  Cody.  They both knew if Zach somehow turned rabid before they could help him, Doc  would not be able to do it.  Damn they needed to act fast.

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