Almost instantly I felt his eyes linger in my direction as I approached the doorway. His smile widening as I drew nearer. I was not sure at first if it even was me that had captivated him so intensely. Turning my head slightly to look around me, I noticed, I was the only one he was looking at, as I stood alone in the doorway. His attention appeared to be totally focused on me. Slowly I stepped forward, his gaze followed up my thin silhouette as I moved through the thresh hold. I could not ignore his eyes as they traveled upward slowly, toward my face, pausing occasionally at intervals, as though he was savoring every inch of what he saw. Not hesitating to linger his gaze where he pleased. I casually tossed my hair off my shoulders so it hung down my back. A nervous smile now beginning to form on my lips as I continued to walk in his direction. Keeping his eyes fixed on me he shifted his tall lean
body in my direction, almost as though he was eagerly waiting to
greet me.
I felt remarkably confident today in my new dress and black patent heeled sandals. I had chosen the black sleeveless fitted jersey frock that stopped midway above my knees, hoping to create a sleek combination of pretty and elegant. Liking the way it hugged at my thin hips while also emphasizing my trim waist. Scooped just low enough between my breast to allow a hint of imagination. Allowing me to draw attention with out asking for trouble. I could not remember the last time I had even dressed up to go out anywhere that did not include my sons, and a pair of skinny jeans tucked in cowboy boots. For the first time in almost a month I had an afternoon to myself. A day free of schedules and caring for my sons. Time set a side to reward myself. Unfortunately finding a companion available did not fall into my plans. Dressed up and feeling especially good about my appearance I had decided to treat myself to lunch out. Having finally found the courage to dine alone, I entered a quaint little establishment I had visited once before in the past with a gentlemen caller. I had originally hoped that the day would have involved me spending time with a special man in my life. Regretfully due to conflict in schedules, and a difference in the understanding of parental time off, that,was just not going to happen today. So on this sunny afternoon, dressed like I might have a life outside of raising children, I ventured out alone.
Slowly I could see this new stranger part his lips to speak to me. I felt my heart quicken as I moved forward unable to avoid passing directly in front of him. What could he possibly want to say to me I wondered. Our eyes locked, meeting momentarily, as I passed by at the bar, in hopes to locate a small table near a window. It was almost to undeniable to not sense his instant attraction to me. "You are very beautiful" he told me with out hesitating in a low soft voice. As he took a step forward towards me I could feel his eyes sweep over me once again, stopping briefly at my legs and then swiftly moving back up to my face. I smiled shyly, unable to ignore the attention he offered, and now beginning to feel a slight blush cascade across my cheeks, while he began apologizing for speaking so forwardly. As though he sensed my uncomfortableness with his flirtatious advance he confessed quickly it was a thought he had meant to keep to himself but simply found me very alluring. Now that I was with in a few feet of him I felt almost certain he could not be more than in his very early forties. I wondered momentarily how old he thought I might be. Giving me even more reason to smile. I felt myself grow more intrigued by the fact, that for whatever reason, he had the courage to be so forward. Politely and almost a bit flirtatiously I heard myself giggle and then thank him. Not sure what to do next I told him to have a nice day and began to continue walking to the other side of the room hoping to locate a seat. As I stepped passed him I could not help but notice the aroma of his cologne. He did smell remarkably good. I fought the urge to look back for just a second, knowing perfectly well that would only let him feed on the fact that I might be a bit interested too. He was very handsome. Dark thick smooth hair covered his head, carefully trimmed just above the collar. A slight soul patch resting just below his lower lip, which held a dazzling smile. Yes, no doubt definite eye candy. In all honesty, secretly I did find this handsome stranger to be a bit distracting, light exchanges of greetings could not be harmful, I reasoned, to my self . After all, I was not married, not even engaged. No jewel bedazzled my hand in promise of anything. In fact the L-word had not even so much as escaped once between me and my current heart interest.
It seemed odd to me though that even as a mature female I could be made to feel awkward and even a bit self conscience about my appearance, hell, or even my sexuality in public, by the opposite sex. I had grown accustom to meeting new men and sharing light conversation. Having re-entered the dating world 9 years ago, casual dating was a past time I had enjoyed. I actually had become quite comfortable with first encounters. Relationships on the other hand, well, that was a bit difficult and altogether different story. However, this was not the first time I had heard a compliment by someone so forward, but it did touch me today. I had really hoped I could have been sharing my parental weekend off with someone that was special to me. Someone I had been seeing and hoped was growing more meaningful. I was desperately feeling I was missing something this weekend and quite frankly the attention I was now receiving helped me to see that even more.
Just across from the bar I noticed an open table in a corner. It seemed no sooner had I spotted the table and then it was claimed by a young couple. My attention was swiftly drawn back to the bar where this handsome stranger stood, still somewhat drawn to me. I stood for a mere second void of all thought. Quickly I was brought back to the now, when his voice verified what I had discovered myself, the place was quite full. However, next to him and the stool he had been sitting on, was another open chair. His smile was beckoning me to sit down. I was hungry and really not wanting to stand alone, waiting for something to open. I did what any alive, red blooded, independent single female would do when approached by an attractive male in a hopeless situation. I accepted his invitation to join him for lunch.
Do you want to know more????
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